22a — Wind, Waves, and Growing Faith (Videos)
Stretch My Faith, Lord! —
Jesus was an outstanding teacher, because he used real life experiences to teach his disciples about who God is and what it means to have faith. His disciples seldom knew they were in Jesus’ classroom until the event was over.
The following two stories are from Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 14:22-33. They both took place in the Sea of Galilee and are great examples of the life lessons Jesus loved to spring on his disciples in order to stretch their faith.
The first video entitled Jesus Calms the Storm was produced by HUBtv. The second video named Jesus and Peter Walk on the Water was produced by Will Coomes at the age of 10.
My Prayer
Dearest Jesus, Thank you for the amazing lessons you brought into the lives of your disciples to help them grow in faith. Please work with me and stretch my faith in the midst of life events also, so that I might learn to trust you more. Amen.