God Is The Potter. I Am The Clay.
He Is The Designer. I Am The Designed.
In other words, he is the one who gives me purpose and meaning.
Without him I am just a blob. But with his skilled touch, my mind, heart, and soul have the privilege of being molded into a useful vessel of beauty and honor.
Can you imagine a lump of clay jumping off the wheel? Why would it want to? What is the advantage of wrestling against the thoughtful plan and skilled hands of the Shaper?
After all, our Potter-God is a Master at what he does, even able to transform imperfections into a meaningful part of his overall design.
Lord, help me to be at ease in your presence – to trust without reservation, your well-worn, experienced hands. Mold and shape me for your purpose. And once I have relaxed in the massage of your touch, help me to trust your loving plan for all the other blobs of clay around me. Your design for them is just as unique and amazing as your design for me.
Shape us as you see fit, O dear Potter. We rest in your skillful hands.
P.S. – Do you (like me) feel a need to be the Master Potter’s number one helper, immediately addressing and fixing imperfections in the lives of those around you? Why not take a break this week and give the job of shaping back to the Master? One concrete way to do this is to forego immediate correction, talk about the need with your Heavenly Father, and then watch for a time later in the week to come alongside of the offender for insightful, relational conversation and instruction.
Check out this darling father/daughter video by Steve McDonald of a pot gone wrong.