22b — What is Faith? (Video)

The Simple Facts About Faith —

Watch this interesting video produced by knowingjesus888 that explains faith in simple terms. Then fill in the blanks below based on what you learn.

Faith is not  b _ _ _ _.

Faith is not a leap into the  d _ _ _.

Faith is a leap into the  l _ _ _ _.

Faith does not rest on  f _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Faith rests on  f _ _ _ _  that are learned from the Word of God, because we can’t trust what we do not  k _ _ _.

It’s not how  m _ _ _  faith we have that matters, but what we  p _ _ _ _  our faith in.

And our faith is placed in  J _ _ _ _.

My Prayer

Dearest Father, Thank you for Jesus. He is so trustworthy. It’s not how much faith I have that matters, but who I place my faith in — and that of course is your Son, Jesus. Help me to devote myself to learn all I can about him. Amen.