21c — Which Apostle Am I? (Game)
Clue Me In About Jesus’ 12 Apostles —
Here’s How the Game Works
Instructions: Bible clues are listed below for each of Jesus’ 12 apostles. The clues begin with the least known facts about an apostle and advance to the most known. Use a cover sheet to reveal one clue at a time and read each clue in the order it appears. When you think you know the name of the apostle, write it next to the clue. Once you’ve guessed, don’t change your answer. However, you can use that same name again if you think you’ve goofed. Wait to check your answers until the end of the game (listed at the bottom).
Scoring: For each correct answer, give yourself 1 point. For each incorrect answer, give yourself 3 points. If you’re playing against others, lowest points wins. In the case of a tie, see who answered with the fewest clues. Remember, accuracy is what counts, so take your time before guessing!
12-14 points — Wow! What a Wizard!
15-18 points — Worthy Effort!
19-24 points — Slow Down Slick!
25 + points — There’s Always Tomorrow!
Use this list to select the names of the 12 apostles (Mark 3:13-19).
Andrew Bartholomew James James (Son of Alphaeus) John
Judas Iscariot Matthew Philip Simon Simon Peter Thaddaeus Thomas
Apostle #1 (7 clues)
1–From the tribe of Reuben
2–Son of John
3–Originally a disciple of John the Baptist
4–First disciple called by Jesus — responded immediately when called
6–Brought his brother to meet Jesus
7–Brother of Simon Peter
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #2 (6 clues)
1–Probably from the tribe of Levi
2–Son of Alphaeus
3–Held a feast in his home to introduce his friends to Jesus
4–A publican, who left his profitable business to follow Jesus
5–Wrote one of the Gospels
6–Also called Levi
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #3 (7 clues)
1–Son of Simon from Kerioth
2–Only apostle from the district of Judea
3–A pilferer
4–Treasurer for the 12 apostles
5–Complained about the wasteful use of Mary’s expensive perfume
6–Betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
7–First of the apostles to die — committed suicide by hanging himself
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #4 (7 clues)
1–From the tribe of Zebulun
2–His name is a Greek name
3–One of the first apostles called by Jesus — possibly a disciple of John the Baptist
4–Told Nathanael about Jesus
5–Greeks asked him to introduce them to Jesus
6–Failed Jesus’ question about where to get food for the 5,000
7–Asked Jesus to show them God the Father
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #5 (5 clues)
1–From the tribe of Gad
2–Son of Mary (one of the women who cared for Jesus’ needs)
3–Had a brother named Joses
4–Also called “the Less,” because he was younger than the other apostle with the same name
5–Son of Alphaeus, but probably not Matthew’s brother since they’re never listed together
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #6 (8 clues)
1–Father from the tribe of Levi; mother from the tribe of Judah
2–Part of the inner circle with 2 other disciples — saw Jesus’ transfiguration and a girl’s resurrection
3–He and his brother asked Jesus for permission to call down fire on unwelcoming villagers and for favored positions in his future kingdom
4–He and his brother were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus (or Sons of Commotion)
5–First apostle to be martyred — killed by the sword at Herod’s command
6–Older son of Zebedee and Salome
8–Older brother of John
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #7 (12 clues)
1–Originally a disciple of John the Baptist
2–Wrote 5 New Testament books
3–Last of the apostles to die — exiled to Patmos Island because of his faith
4–“The disciple Jesus loved”
5–Jesus asked him to take care of his mother from the cross
6–Part of the inner circle with 2 other disciples — saw Jesus’ transfiguration and a girl’s resurrection
7–Father from the tribe of Levi; mother from the tribe of Judah
8–He and his brother asked Jesus for permission to call down fire on unwelcoming villagers and for favored positions in his future kingdom
9–He and his brother were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus (or Sons of Commotion)
10–Younger son of Zebedee and Salome
12–Younger brother of James
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #8 (6 clues)
1–From the tribe of Asher
2–Tender hearted; very devoted to Christ
3–Confused about where Jesus was going and how they would know how to find him
4–Also called Didymus which means twin; probably had a twin sister
5–Absent when Jesus appeared to his disciples after his death and resurrection
6–A doubter — would not believe Jesus was alive until he touched him with his own hands
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #9 (1 clue)
1–A zealot (Canaanite in KJV) — wanted to free Israel from Rome’s rule by force
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #10 (12 clues)
1–From the tribe of Reuben
2–Son of John
3–Mentioned in the Gospels and Acts more than any other apostle
4–Wrote 2 New Testament books
5–First apostle to preach the gospel, perform a miracle, preach to the Gentiles, and raise a dead woman after Jesus went back to heaven
6–Naturally impulsive
7–Frequently the spokesman for the 12 apostles
8–Made 2 great confessions of faith and one cowardly denial
9–A fisherman with the Zebedee family
10–Part of the inner circle with 2 other disciples — saw Jesus’ transfiguration and a girl’s resurrection
11–Brother of Andrew
12–Renamed by Jesus to Peter or Cephas which means rock
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #11 (5 clues)
1–From the tribe of Naphtali
2–Son of Tolmai
3–An honest man who was a role model for all Israelites — according to Jesus
4–Amazed that Jesus knew he had been previously sitting under the fig tree
5–Also called Nathanael (means gift of God)
Which apostle am I? ____________________
Apostle #12 (3 clues)
1–From the tribe of Judah or Ephraim
2–Son of James
3–Also called Judas (not Iscariot)
Which apostle am I? ____________________
My Prayer
Dearest Jesus, I can tell that you loved your apostles and knew them inside out. Thank you for sharing details about them in your Word so that I can get to know them too. What a privilege it was for them to be in this special relationship with you. Thank you for your patience in guiding them through their successes and failures, so that they could learn to serve you more effectively. Please guide me also as I follow in the footsteps of your faithful 11 apostles. Thank you so much. Amen.
1–Andrew, 2–Matthew, 3–Judas Iscariot, 4–Philip, 5–James, Son of Alphaeus, 6–James,
7–John, 8–Thomas, 9–Simon, 10–Simon Peter, 11–Bartholemew, 12–Thaddaeus