Who’s In The Driver’s Seat?
Hop On An Amazing Prayer Adventure! One of a child’s most sought after goals in life is to drive – and that hankering starts early. My granddaughter is not yet 2 years old, but if there is a steering wheel in close proximity to her, she makes a beeline to get behind it. There is […]
Hearing God’s Voice in the Good Things
One of The Most Thrilling Parts of Prayer is Listening For God’s Reply. In guiding your children to pray, are you also teaching them how to listen for his answers? Sure, anyone can hear the answer of God through a miraculous healing. But are you also helping your children hear his voice step-by-step along the […]
God Is The Potter. I Am The Clay.
He Is The Designer. I Am The Designed. In other words, he is the one who gives me purpose and meaning. Without him I am just a blob. But with his skilled touch, my mind, heart, and soul have the privilege of being molded into a useful vessel of beauty and honor. Can you imagine […]
Can You Hear God Speaking To You?
How do we hear God when we are at odds with others over what is right? For most of us, our upbringing plays a big part.
Spring Is In The Air
Prayer – Agent of Change Or Familiar Friend? I love change. Really, I do. I see it as an opportunity – to experience life anew, to think in a leaner way, to get rid of things that weigh me down, to start fresh, to learn and grow. Others hate change. They like the familiar, they […]
My Whole Self Before You
The Birth of A Child's Prayer and Learning Guide. Approach God the Father with a child’s heart. I was a young mother of two preschoolers. My oldest was nearing four years old and had the loveliest way of praying at bedtime. She would say things like, “I want to come see you, Jesus,” as if [...]
The Old School Magazine Pilot Program
65 Homeschool Beta Testers Respond Last year we were fortunate to partner with The Old School Magazine as we launched Weave Your Word In Me, our Bible study program for tweens. The Schoolhouse Review Crew is composed of approximately 200 homeschool families that love to blog about homeschool products. The feedback we received from 65 […]
The ABC’s of Bible Proverbs
My Favorite Bible Proverbs! Good advice from God — who doesn’t want that?! We know Solomon did, because he wrote a whole book packed full of wise sayings called “The Proverbs.” And I’m guessing you and your family would like some too! So I’ve taken the time to list 26 of my favorite Bible proverbs […]
Obedience Is Good for Your Bones
Don’t Be a Lazy Bones! Did you know that your bones need to be up and active during your teen years if you want to be strong and healthy for a lifetime? A recent study conducted by the University of British Columbia in Canada confirms this long-held belief — that weight bearing activity is necessary […]
Customer Feedback
Hello Susan,
My son is so looking forward to digging in to Weave Your Word in Me (it looks like we won’t be waiting until the fall to start it).
Blessings and thank you again for providing a wonderful product and equally as wonderful service.
-Melissa in Yorba Linda, California
Pray-Like-Jesus Prayer Journal for Teens
$13.50$6.75 -
Bible and Prayer Curriculum for Tweens -- All 80 Lessons (Digital Download) $40.00
Bible and Prayer Curriculum for Tweens -- All 80 Lessons $40.00
Bible and Prayer Curriculum for Tweens -- Part 2 $25.00
Picture Prayer Book for Children 0-8
$14.95$7.50 -
Bible and Prayer Curriculum for Tweens -- Part 1 $25.00
Picture Prayer Book with Bible Guide for Families