The Old School Magazine Pilot Program
65 Homeschool Beta Testers Respond
Last year we were fortunate to partner with The Old School Magazine as we launched Weave Your Word In Me, our Bible study program for tweens. The Schoolhouse Review Crew is composed of approximately 200 homeschool families that love to blog about homeschool products. The feedback we received from 65 of their beta testers was invaluable. It confirmed that we have compiled a meaningful, yet practical resource centered around Jesus’ teachings in the Lord’s Prayer. Reviewers found our program to be a tangible tool for tweens and their families to get to know God better and ways to dialog with Him.
“I love how it not only covers the biblical passage but also trains her how to pray from her heart using biblical guidelines. I really appreciate how the study makes her delve deeper into her spirituality.” ~ Tere (A Homeschooling Mom)
Weave Your Word In Me is a curriculum of 80 Bible lessons. Each lesson is written in a child-friendly manner to help young people discover the truths contained in the Lord’s Prayer for themselves — as if they are learning directly from Jesus. The Bible study and prayer practice lessons utilize a variety of methods including charts, definitions, drama, drawing, fill in the blank, illustrations, matching, multiple choice, sequence, timeline, true & false — even a cartoon. To enhance each lesson, Susan Case Bonner has posted a companion online resource — that’s 240 fun and thought provoking online activities (3 for each lesson) including appropriate videos, puzzles, projects, and inspiring music/art. Above all, kids experience how the lessons apply to their own lives.
If you have tweens in your life that would benefit from a Bible study program and prayer devotional please share Weave Your Word In Me with them. It is available as a two-part series for a total of 80 lessons on 124 colorful and fully illustrated pages.
We also offer bulk discounts for schools and other groups.