56c — Purpose of the Old Testament Law
Why Did God Give the Old Testament Law? —
As we near the finish of our study of the Ten Commandments, it is fitting to ask, “What is the purpose of the Old Testament Law?” In other words, are the Ten Commandments God’s most important teaching? — or are the Ten Commandments just a part of the bigger plan of God?
Watch the Bible Project’s easy-to-understand explanation of God’s purpose for giving the Ten Commandments and the Old Testament Law. Then decide for yourself.
My Prayer
Dearest Father, Your purposes are so amazing! Your plans are so immense — yet so simple! Thank you for your all-consuming desire to bring people’s hearts back to you — and for revealing your strategy to accomplish this one step at a time. Thank you for the role of the Old Testament Law in this great plan of yours. Your ways are truly amazing! Amen.