14c — Lost Son Video (Luke 15:11-32)
Parable of the Prodigal Son —
The Prodigal Son is the third in a series of parables Jesus told about lost things. Why three? For emphasis. When God says the same thing three times in a row, it is extremely important — so pay attention!
Watch the following video of the Parable of the Prodigal Son created by Ed Sirois. Then take the short true and false quiz below to test your understanding.
Prodigal Son Quiz
Answer True (T) or False (F). If a question is false, reword it to make it true. (Answers below.)
____ 1. Prodigal means lost.
____ 2. God loves sin.
____ 3. God only loves people who never do anything wrong.
____ 4. When a person repents, God forgives without limit.
____ 5. All beings in heaven celebrate when a person says “yes” to sin and “no” to God.
____ 6. Nothing is more important to God than to reach out and welcome people to return to him.
My Prayer
Dearest Father, I get it! Nothing is more important to you than reaching out and welcoming people to return to you. That is why Jesus made sure he was a friend to sinners. Wow! It is not about the good club and the bad club. You don’t play favorites. You love all people and are constantly working to make sure we know that you want our love in return. Help me to never forget this in my own life and to help get this message out to others. Amen.