16b — Jesus in the Temple Video
Jesus Put His Father First in the Temple —
Every year Joseph and Mary traveled to Jerusalem with their family and friends to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. When their son Jesus turned 12 years old, however, this yearly trip took on special meaning. It was the first time he was allowed to accompany Joseph into the heart of the Temple where sacrifices were offered and conversations took place with the teachers of the Law.
Watch the following video clip from the film The Chosen and experience the panic of Jesus’ mother Mary as she tries to make sense of the reason Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Take note that even at age 12, Jesus understood who he was and that he needed to put his heavenly Father’s business first.
My Prayer
Dearest Father, I am amazed by Jesus. He was not only a human being, but he was also God in the flesh. Thank you that even as a boy he put your priorities first in his life. Help me to do the same. Amen.