46c — How to Make Helping Bags
Planned Activities for Helping Others —
Here are two different baggie activities you can make to remind you to reach out to others with a helping hand.
Love Your Neighbor Snack Bags
Instructions: Read the following jingle. Then collect and mix a spoonful of each snack item into a baggie. As you enjoy eating your snack, list one person in each of the four categories that you can reach out to and help. Plan a time in the next week to make one of these helping events happen.
M&M’s remind us that our neighbors come in many colors.
Raisins remind us that some neighbors are older with wrinkly skin.
Pretzel sticks remind us that some neighbors are tall.
Kix remind us that some neighbors can be short.
Love your neighbors. Love them all!
On-the-Go Bags for the Homeless
Instructions: Watch the following video to learn all about making on-the-go bags for the homeless. Then talk to your teacher or parent for a plan on when to make and distribute them. (Consider using money you have earned yourself to purchase the needed items.)
My Prayer
Dearest Father, Thank you that helping others is sometimes spontaneous, and sometimes planned. Help me be more and more faithful in planning ways that I can reach out to others with a helping hand. Amen.