3c — Drawing Cartoon Emotions
Honesty with Emotions —
Emotions are given to us by God and are not good or bad in and of themselves. It all depends on the choices we make when we feel the emotions.
When I am frustrated, do I kick my dog or yell at my brother? When I am happy, do I brag in an attempt to make others jealous? When I am angry, do I decide to never forgive the person who hurt me? Pleasing God is all about using our emotions as tools instead of weapons.
This year, ask God to help you learn to be the master of your emotions and feelings rather than letting them be the master of you.
See if you can name each of the emotions on the egg faces below and then practice drawing them on paper. By the time Easter rolls around, you can be a real pro!
My Prayer
Dearest Father, Life is interesting. It is filled with feelings and emotions. In seeking to be honest in all I do, help me not to deny my emotions and pretend that everything is happy. But also help me not to use my emotions as weapons to hurt other people. No matter how I am feeling, may I remember to honor others and honor you. Teach me how to do this. Thank you so much for your help. Amen.
Copyright Notice: The egg photos used in this activity have been licensed by Kid Niche Christian Books and may not be copied for use on other sites without proper licensing.