24b — Steve Harvey Introduces Jesus (Video)
A Glorious Introduction —
When Peter, James, and John went up the mountain with Jesus in Mark 9:2-8, they saw him transform before their eyes from his human-look to his God-look.
In other words, they were allowed to see the living God in all his glory. It was as if they were being introduced to him for the first time.
Listen to the way Actor and Comedian Steve Harvey says he would introduce Jesus if he had the pleasure of presenting him to an audience — and feel a little bit of the awe Peter, James, and John must have felt on the Mount of Transfiguration.
My Prayer
I know who you are Jesus. I know that you hid your glory as God and became a human being, so that you could die for the sins of the whole world including mine. I know your true identity — that you are the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the True Messiah, the Lord Almighty. Thank you for humbling yourself to become our Savior. It is a privilege to know you. Amen.