4b — I Remember Those Prayers
Yes! God Answers Prayers —
My heart is full!
How many times I listened to our daughter Katherine pray as a young girl for a best friend! It was the cry of her heart to the God she believed heard and would answer. And looking back over the years, I marvel at the various and interesting ways God answered her prayers.
You see, Katherine was quite shy and because of frequent family-related moves, she would have to start the friend search all over again.
One place, she waited three years before a best friend emerged — and then we moved out of state six months later.
Another place, a whole neighborhood of best friends immediately welcomed her into their fold. Everyday a new fun activity was happening somewhere in the subdivision.
In high school, she was the envy of all her friends, because her best friend was also her boyfriend.

Kate and Kevin doing karaoke the night before their wedding in 2013. © Anna White. Used with permission.
In college, she met two of her best life-long girlfriends while studying for a semester in Japan.
And then one of those friends introduced her to Kevin, with whom there was an immediate life-long bond. And they were married here in Traverse City in September 2013.
To be around Kate and Kevin is to feel the joy of genuine friendship. They look after one another with fondness. They admire one another’s strengths. They give grace to each other in the areas of their weaknesses. They greatly enjoy one another’s company. And they attract countless new friends into their circle as a result of their joy.
Thank you, Father, for hearing and answering the prayers of my daughter. My heart is full!