12b — Jesus Loves Children (Word Scramble)
What Jesus Values Most About Children —
Only a few times do the Gospels record that Jesus became angry. One of them was when his disciples tried to prevent children from coming to see him (Mark 10:13-16). Why was he so mad? Because of his disciples’ basic misunderstanding of what God values most — something that children are really good at.
Sally Lloyd-Jones puts it this way in her Jesus Storybook Bible, “No matter how big you grow, never grow up so much that you lose your child’s heart: full of trust in God.”
Below are some other ways of explaining this important childlike trait that Jesus said is necessary for anyone who wants to be a part of God’s Kingdom.
Instructions: Unscramble the red words to better understand the childlike trait known as trust.
Children are garee to know God.
Children have nope and atebleach hearts.
Children easily cacpet love and truth.
Children respond with plimes hifat.
My Prayer
Dearest Jesus, Thank you for valuing children and our ability to fully trust you. No matter how old I get, may I never lose my child’s heart. I love you. Amen.