68b — What Is the Golden Rule?

A Closer Look at the Golden Rule —


Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you.


Watch the following video produced by WWUTT to better understand what Jesus meant by the Golden Rule. Here’s a hint: just like in the Lord’s Prayer, how we treat other people is high on God’s priority list.

My Prayer

Dearest Father, I’m beginning to understand how you think! You treat us the way we desire to be treated — not the way we deserve. So it’s not too much for you to ask us to treat others in the same way. Please help me to follow your positive example in this area. Please help me to live by the Golden Rule. Thank you so much. Amen.

P.S. — I intend to treat __________ better than I have in the past. I am going to treat him/her the way I want to be treated — the way I see you treating me — with kindness and forgiveness. Thank you for your help in doing this. Amen.