78a — Seeing the Glory of God
God Wants Us to See His Glory —
God is awesome in character and has amazing abilities. There is nothing that shouts out this glorious essence of God more than the universe. And thanks to modern telescopes, cameras, and satellites, we can now see up close many of its details.
Psalm 33:6 states that God is so great that:
“By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.” NIV
As you watch this preview of the video series Indescribable that showcases the countless stars of the universe, recognize and admire the glory of the Creator who spoke them into existence.
(Produced by David C. Cook Videos.)
My Prayer
Dearest God, Thank you for showing us a hint of your glory and grandeur through the universe you have created. We glorify you with our eyes, our minds, our hearts, and our souls for all that you are and for all that you’ve done. To you be all glory forever and ever! Amen.